Guest Writer: R.G. Sitter
today, i woke up feeling very motivated. Riley was saying 'Im Hungry, Im Hungry, Im Hungry...', and i wanted to do something special for her. So i got my apron, my supplies, and got to work. First i took the bowl from the cupboard and set it down on the counter, careful not to set it down too hard, because i don't like loud noises. i then took her cereal, gorilla munch (don't worry, it sounds like a complicated cereal, but if you follow these directions you'll be a hero), and carefully poured a moderate amount into the bowl. Careful though, you don't want to spill these little suckers because they're round and they'll roll everywhere. anyway, i then took the milk and poured about 8 ounces into the bowl containing aforementioned gorilla munch. i removed a spoon from what we call the 'silverware drawer' and placed it submerged within the milk/cereal mixture. i placed it carefully onto the table, again avoiding a 'slamming' sound. Riley then ate it and screamed 'holy moly daddy you're my hero!'.